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History of the Eye Exam

History of the Eye Exam

What do people think of when they hear the names Hermann Snellen and Steve Jobs? Jobs is obvious, but Snellen, not as much. Yet they were both visionaries, so to speak, in their respective fields. The Netherlands is justifiably well known for beautiful tulips,...
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Eye Puff Explained

Going to visit the eye doctor is a mostly painless and pleasant experience. After all, taking care of your eyes is an extremely important activity as is receiving the necessary adjustments in your prescription to your corrective lenses. There is one test, in...
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What is a Cornea Transplant Procedure?

What is a Cornea Transplant Procedure?

A cornea transplant is a surgical procedure, during the procedure the patient’s cornea is detached and replaced with a donor cornea from a cadaver. The cadaver cornea is usually obtained direct from an organ and tissue bank. Cornea transplant is probably the most...
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The Differences between Glaucoma and Cataracts

The Differences between Glaucoma and Cataracts

Both glaucoma and cataracts are physical conditions which cause loss of vision. Cataracts are gradual and painless and are manifested by a loss of transparency; glaucoma, on the other hand, can be either quick and painful or slow and subtle. A cataract is a change in...
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