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How Long Does Lasik Surgery Last?

How Long Does Lasik Surgery Last?

LASIK eye surgery has been used commercially for over 25 years, and has been proven to be safe for the majority.  While many people have considered getting LASIK eye surgery, but with busy schedules and the general need to continue working a job, the question often...
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Is a Detached Retina a Medical Emergency?

Is a Detached Retina a Medical Emergency?

Retinal detachment is a potential medical emergency that can be corrected if it is caught early. However, if medical treatment is delayed too long, then it could lead to permanent damage that affects your sight or even causes blindness in the affected eye. This...
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How to Prepare Your Child For an Eye Exam

How to Prepare Your Child For an Eye Exam

The American Optometric Association recommends children have their first eye exam between the ages of six months to a year. If there are no vision problems, the AOA suggests regular exams every two to five years or as your doctor recommends. After age six, exams can...
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